Monday, December 19, 2011

How to search Effectively

How to search Effectively

If you’ve read my other blog “How to Search” you probably have a good idea of how our search engine works. You’ve probably done a few searches and gotten some results in the area you’re looking for. Well, I’d like to add to that. This is a brief tutorial on how to “fine tune” your search. If you haven’t visited our search engine yet please check it out here:

We have basic tutorial videos here:

How To Fine Tune
As you may have noticed, the moment you press a button others grey out. This is intended so that you will always receive a result. (As I have mentioned in my previous blog). What’s really cool is that you can select as many buttons as you like. What does this mean?  Chances are you know what you are looking for but need to express that in our search engine. 

For instance if you are looking for a track that works well for underscore, but has more of an “electronic” sound, and something that is dark, you can search for that. Just click on Cinematic-here you will find a bunch of options that will most likely suit your needs. For a darker sound, Mystery and Suspense usually work well. So click on “Suspense.” Then go to Electronic and click on “Electonica.” You can hit search now to see what you’ve got. If there are too many tracks or if you’re not getting exactly what you want, go a little deeper. under Moods click on “Dark”. Now you have a bit less to choose from but they are all in the area you are looking for. Lets say you just noticed that a lot of the tracks are a bit too intense for underscore, just click on “Mellow” under Moods and hit search again. Chances are you’ll find what you are looking for this way. If you’re still not satisfied, try some other combinations, for example:

1. Genre: Cinematic-Suspense, Electronic-Electronica Moods: Dramatic, Dark, Mellow
2. Genre: Cinematic-Mystery, Electronic-Electronica Moods: Atmospheric, Dark
3. Genre: Cinematic-Horror, Electronic-Electronica Moods: Atmospheric, Dark,

…and so on until you get the result you are looking for. As always you can search by "Quality" by clicking on 1, 2 or 3 credits before searching. 

Knowing what specific instruments you want in the music you need can also be helpful. For instance if you are looking for BIG percussion simply go to Percussion then “BIG Hits” and/or “Bass Drum.” You will usually find that most tracks with “BIG Hits” are a bit more intense.

How do I find a track with a solo instrument?
Under Instruments simply click on “Solo” and the instrument you are looking for. For instance if I want a sentimental solo piano, click on “Solo” and “Piano.” Under Mood click on “Sentimental.” You can do this for any instrument. If you want a solo instrument, you must first click on “Solo” then your desired instrument.

What does “Key” mean?
This section of our search engine is helpful for if you want to tie several tracks together. “Key” represents a specific harmonic center in a piece of music. In other words If two pieces have the same “Key” they will most likely work well when played one after the other, meaning there will be a smoother transition.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.

Dan Weniger, ceo Playtunes Music

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